Open the Box – Tutor Feedback

Tutor Feedback here

In addition to the written feedback we also had a Skype feedback session to discuss this assignment and ideas for Assignment 3. There were lots of positive comments on the written feedback which were reiterated during the Skype session so I will therefore cover some of the other comments here.

Psychological them sometimes difficult and a bit slow in places. The film really got started with the torch under the bed shot (during Act 3). What was important about the kettle and mug (Act 1 and 2)? Theses scenes were very well lit. Acting a bit wooden.

Overall the film flows together well.

We discussed the plausibility of the room being dark and the need for the torch a la Seven. Tutor said the audience are usually willing to accept why the lights are not on…they don’t tend to question that sort of thing.

Maybe could have combined the moon shot with the light from the projector.

Remember when using dissolves that plug sockets can be covered up as the dark parts show through.

Film overall communicates well.

Ideas for Assignment 3 – ‘Conflict’

Strongly suggest that at least 2 actors are used (amateurs ok) and for me to remain behind the camera.

Create strong characters possibly by trying out some improvisation sessions. Probably best to flesh out a script with some improve.

Mike Leigh uses improve and lets the story develop from the improve but this can take a lot of time. Watch ‘Nuts in May’ currently available in iPlayer.

Suggest to the actors that they base the character on someone they know.

Start with a story idea and don’t be outlandish.





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